PhD Thesis

I did my PhD Thesis in Prof. Dr. Michael Przybylski's group for Analytical Chemistry at the University Konstanz, Faculty of Chemistry between September 1996 and Dezember 1999 (under direct care of Privatdozent Dr. Michael O. Glocker). The subject of my Ph.D. Thesis was:

Development of Protein Chemical and Mass Spectrometric Methods for the Characterization of Protein Folding Reactions and Disulfide Bonds Structures in Proteins

Analysis of oxidative refolding reactions and reductive and/or denatured unfolding reactions of disulfide bond containing proteins.

Stabilization of protein folding intermediates by cysteinylthiol selective modification reactions.

Arsonous acids (Melarsen Oxide) as a bis-cysteinylthiol selective modification agent - development and application.

Application of mass spectrometric methods for the characterization of in vitro folding intermediates of the cytokine Makrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor (M-CSF).

Characterization of the disulfide bond structure of the native Amylase MalS from E. Coli and from in vivo folding intermediates by mass spectrometric methods.

You can sell my PhD thesis as paper back from “Der Andere Verlag” (ISBN: 3-934366-53-8)


 Last modified: April 06, 2003 durch Peter Happersberger